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Getting Read Access to Chronicle Oracles - Process Explained

Reading from Chronicle Oracles on Testnet in 4 Steps​

1 Select the chain you want to use.​

Chronicle Oracles are live on 10 chains, with more integrations rolling out regularly. Using the Dashboard, you can quickly find the available chains.

2 Select the Oracle(s) to use and its address​

Once on the desired chain, find the oracle address that you need for that chain. Before reading from an Oracle, the address making the call needs to be whitelisted for that Oracle. To find the Testnet addresses for the Oracles, simply toggle the <dev mode> on the Dashboard.

3 Get the address of the SelfKisser for the selected chain​

Chronicle Oracles are read protected by a whitelist. On Testnet networks, you can whitelist yourself using the SelfKisser contract. Ensure you're using the correct SelfKisser address for each chain.

Testnet NetworkSelfKisser Address
Ethereum Sepolia0x0Dcc19657007713483A5cA76e6A7bbe5f56EA37d
Base Sepolia0x70E58b7A1c884fFFE7dbce5249337603a28b8422
Arbitrum Sepolia0xc0fe3a070Bc98b4a45d735A52a1AFDd134E0283f
Polygon zkEVM Testnet Cardona0xCce64A8127c051E784ba7D84af86B2e6F53d1a09
Gnosis Mainnet0x0Dcc19657007713483A5cA76e6A7bbe5f56EA37d
Mantle Testnet0x9ee0DC1f7cF1a5c083914e3de197Fd1F484E0578
Scroll Sepolia0x0Dcc19657007713483A5cA76e6A7bbe5f56EA37d
zkSync Sepolia0x25f594edde4f58A14970b2ef6616badBa4B1CdDD
Optimism Sepolia0xfF619a90cDa4020897808D74557ce3b648922C37
Berachain Bartio0x2FFCAfF4BcF6D425c424f303eff66954Aa3A27Fd
Superseed Sepolia0x371A53bB4203Ad5D7e60e220BaC1876FF3Ddda5B
Corn Sepolia0x8CA2E3a09c79233127dC21955e28A6b9C4bf166E
Plume Devnet0xF69De003115777B62c71846b13948CE05C07fe65
Monad Testnet0x9a0de663c20127a229891eA0C7Db99c785BF91e3

If you need to read from multiple Oracles, make sure that you repeat the whitelisting process for each Oracle.

4 Using the SelfKisser, whitelist the address used to read from the oracle​

The ISelfKisser interface defines 2 function for whitelisting:

  • function selfKiss(address oracle) external; - whitelist your own address (msg.sender)
  • function selfKiss(address oracle, address who) external; - specifies a different address to whitelist, such as a smart contract

In most cases, you'll use the second option to whitelist another address.

Ensure you have sufficient funds for the whitelisting process, as it’s a write operation requiring gas to complete.

On Mainnet, the process is similar, but the whitelisting is permissioned. To get whitelisted, please open a ticket on Discord via the πŸ†˜ | support channel to reach out to the team.