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Getting Read Access to Contracts

Our contracts are read-protected by a whitelist, meaning you won't be able to read them on-chain without your address being added to the whitelist.


On Testnet, the SelfKisser contract allows users to whitelist themselves, whimsically termed 'kiss' themselves.

On Mainnet, to get access to production Oracles, please open a ticket on Discord via the 🆘 | support channel.

Testnet NetworkSelfKisser Address
Ethereum Sepolia0x0Dcc19657007713483A5cA76e6A7bbe5f56EA37d
Base Sepolia0x70E58b7A1c884fFFE7dbce5249337603a28b8422
Arbitrum Sepolia0xc0fe3a070Bc98b4a45d735A52a1AFDd134E0283f
Polygon zkEVM Testnet Cardona0xCce64A8127c051E784ba7D84af86B2e6F53d1a09
Gnosis Mainnet0x0Dcc19657007713483A5cA76e6A7bbe5f56EA37d
Mantle Testnet0x9ee0DC1f7cF1a5c083914e3de197Fd1F484E0578
Scroll Sepolia0x0Dcc19657007713483A5cA76e6A7bbe5f56EA37d
zkSync Sepolia0x25f594edde4f58A14970b2ef6616badBa4B1CdDD
Optimism Sepolia0xfF619a90cDa4020897808D74557ce3b648922C37
Berachain Bartio0x2FFCAfF4BcF6D425c424f303eff66954Aa3A27Fd

Whitelisting Yourself on Testnet and Reading from Smart Contracts


This example demonstrates the whitelisting process on Ethereum Sepolia. The addresses used correspond to the SelfKisser and Oracles on Ethereum Sepolia.

Depending on the Testnet network you select, please make sure to use the appropriate addresses for that specific chain. To find a specific Oracle address for your chosen chain use the Chronicle Dashboard by toggling the <dev mode> from the top right corner for Testnet Oracles.

The address of the SelfKisser for each chain can be found in the table at the top of this page.

Option 1: Using the CLI with cast​

Whitelisting Using the CLI​

Cast is a command-line interface (CLI) tool developed by the Foundry team to streamline interactions with Ethereum and other EVM-based chains. Whether you're making smart contract calls, sending transactions, or retrieving chain data, Cast simplifies the process.

Whitelist the Address That Sends the Request​

$ cast send 0x0dcc19657007713483a5ca76e6a7bbe5f56ea37d "selfKiss(address)()" <oracle address you want you use> --rpc-url $rpc

Here, 0x0dcc19657007713483a5ca76e6a7bbe5f56ea37d is the SelfKisser contract address on Ethereum Sepolia. This command will whitelist the address that sends the request.

Whitelist a Different Address​

If you need to whitelist a different address than the one sending the request, use:

$ cast send 0x0dcc19657007713483a5ca76e6a7bbe5f56ea37d "selfKiss(address, address)()" <oracle address you want you use> <contract address to be whitelisted> --rpc-url $rpc

Here, 0x0dcc19657007713483a5ca76e6a7bbe5f56ea37d is the SelfKisser contract address on Ethereum Sepolia. This command will whitelist the address that you provide as a parameter.

Verify Whitelist Status:​

For quick testing, feel free to use the following Oracle address:

  • Chronicle_ETH_USD_3: 0xdd6D76262Fd7BdDe428dcfCd94386EbAe0151603 on Ethereum Sepolia.

Alternatively, you can find a specific Oracle address for your chosen chain using the Chronicle Dashboard by toggling the <dev mode> from the top right corner for Testnet Oracles.

$ cast call <oracle address> "tolled(address)(bool)" <your address> --rpc-url $rpc

A response of true confirms your whitelisted status.

Reading from Smart Contracts using the CLI​

Once you are whitelisted, interacting with the oracle is easy. The read() function returns a uint value representing the data you are trying to get:

$ cast call 0xdd6D76262Fd7BdDe428dcfCd94386EbAe0151603 "read()(uint)" --rpc-url $rpc

Here, 0xdd6D76262Fd7BdDe428dcfCd94386EbAe0151603 represents Chronicle_ETH_USD_3 on Ethereum Sepolia.

Response: 1656870000000000045440

Note that Chronicle Oracles use 18 decimal places of precision, so the price is 1656.87.

Option 2: Using Etherscan​

Whitelisting Using Etherscan​

If you do not want to use the CLI, you can whitelist yourself directly on Etherscan.

  1. Navigate to the SelfKisser contract address on Etherscan Ethereum Sepolia: 0x0Dcc19657007713483A5cA76e6A7bbe5f56EA37d. If you are using a different Testnet, make sure to use the right corresponding blockchain explorer for that chain as well as the right SelfKisser address (you can find the SelfKisser address on different Testnet chains in the table at the top of this page).

  2. Click on the Contract tab and then on Write Contract

  3. You'll have to hit the Connect to Web3 button to connect your wallet.

Example of Connect to Web3 button
  1. Scroll down to the selfKiss() function and enter the Oracle address you wish to interact with in the oracle (address) field. Then, click Write. You will see that there are two selfKiss() functions (overloads). One of them takes two parameters (oracle (address), who (address)), and the other only one parameter (oracle (address)).

    • When you want to whitelist your own address (msg.sender), you can use selfKiss(address oracle).

    • In contrast, when you need to specify a different address to perform the whitelist on, you should use selfKiss(address oracle, address who).


Make sure you have enough native tokens of the network where you want to use the Oracle to cover the gas for your request.

Make sure you are connected to the correct network corresponding to the contract you are interacting with.

Checking if Your Address Was Successfully Whitelisted/Kissed on Etherscan​

In the contract that you wan to read, go to the Read Contract tab and locate the tolled function. Enter your wallet address in the who (address) field. Hit Query. The data returned should look like this:


Once you verify that you are whitelisted, you are ready to read from the Oracle's smart contract.